Welcome to the CNRS, Dania !
Dania Daou is selected to join the Institut Charles Sadron-CNRS in Strasbourg (France) in September 2020. In the framework of the ArtMoMa project, she will work on the Generation of Macroscopic oscillations using molecular motors, with the support of international partner organisations from the academic world and the industry. The ArtMoMa network wishes Dania a warm welcome in the team and takes the opportunity to find out more about her.
Tell us more about your background!
My name is Dania DAOU, I am Lebanese and 23 years old. I finished my Bachelor’s degree in “General Chemistry” at the Lebanese University-Beirut in 2018, where I developed a strong educational background in different chemical fields.
I then got my Master 1 in “Analytical Chemistry” at Lebanese University-Beirut in 2019 and graduated from the University of Rennes 1-France in July 2020 with a Master 2 degree in “Catalysis, Molecules, and Green Chemistry”. I gained a well-advanced knowledge in different chemical fields, mainly organic, supramolecular, and polymer chemistry.
I also performed a research internship as part of the master program for 6 months at the University of Rennes 1 – ISCR, titled: “Synthesis of new self-organizing complexes of Ru(II) bis-acetylides”, specialized in the field of supramolecular and organic chemistry.
Why did you want to be a part of ArtMoMa?
I knew I wanted to become a chemist the moment I walked out of my first chemistry class. My passion for chemistry was growing every year leading me to the research field. And here is ArtMoMa awarding me an invaluable opportunity to become a great researcher.
In addition to my passion for the field of supramolecular chemistry, the Nobel Prize-winning work of the 2016 laureates was a great inspiration for me to invest in the development of artificial molecular machines. Also, the consortium of the partners (universities, research institutions, and companies) located in 8 European countries is a marvelous opportunity to provide me enhanced career perspectives in both the academic and non-academic sectors.
I feel very privileged to become part of the ArtMoMa and highly motivated to convert knowledge and ideas into products for social benefits.
What are your expectations of living and working in your host city?
Strasbourg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I expect to discover charming places, new cultures, and great food. Also, the location of the city at the center of Europe is so motivating to visit the European countries abroad.
What do you think will be your main challenge for you in the next three years?
Performing Ph.D. studies needs high motivation, passion, and patience. The major challenge that I think I would face is the lack of time. I usually set up a plan to follow before I start my work and I’d like to finish my work in a perfect way, but sometimes we can face unexpected problems during the work progress, and one should find solutions. This could make us struggle with time. Therefore, strong time management is one of the most important parts of a Ph.D. work. But, having the will and motivation to achieve your goal can strongly help to overcome any challenge.